Who we are

21 years experience in the Marketing, Advertising, Contra, PR and Promotions sector working on over 600 entertainment campaigns during that time and some of the largest theatrical, home entertainment and music releases of the decade.

As well as Strike Media Wez is responsible for the creation of the MyFilmClub app and mental health spokesperson.

In his spare time Wez plays football, golf and sings (better in the past) and now has identical twin boys to give him extra things to worry about.


Keir has worked in PR for the past eight years. After working across music, sport and corporate Keir has spent almost seven years working on film and entertainment. Keir moved to Strike in 2017, where he currently operates as the Head of Publicity.

Through his career, Keir has worked across hundreds of theatrical and home entertainment including BAFTA and Golden Globe nominated films and numerous UK Film Festivals. In 2017, Keir was nominated as a Rising Star at the Screen Awards and has worked with EAVE, giving a presentation on Event Cinema in Luxembourg at their conference.

Keir is currently the Communications Manager for Mitcham & Carshalton Rugby Club, manages their comms and plays flanker for their 1XV. Keir owns the office dog Bramble.


Emma has spent the last 7 years working in film and entertainment PR and is Senior Publicist. Over the past few years Emma has worked on an array of exciting releases and events including Top Gun: Maverick, EE BAFTA Rising Star, A Quiet Place 2 and 25 Years of UK Garage.

Emma spends her weekends working her way around the West End watching the latest theatre shows as well as catching up on the latest binge-worthy production. 


Having recently joined the team, Amelia spent the last 5 years working in Film Distribution specialising in marketing, communications, events, film bookings, programming and promotions. She began her career in Film Exhibition working events and at film festivals, in 2021 and 2022 Amelia produced the Newcastle edition of Doc n Roll Film Festival. Amelia will find any excuse to design merch, definitely not as a way of building up her own wardrobe.

A lover of music you’ll find Amelia in the record section of your local charity shop. In her free time she likes to watch women’s football (occasionally playing herself) and binge watching reality TV.

Some would say Amelia is the funniest member of the team (Amelia) and morale has improved greatly since her arrival (Amelia).